What to Consider When Planning a Tattoo

custom temporary tattoos

Don’t Rush Into It!

Whether this is your first tattoo or just the latest of many, it’s important not to rush into it. There are many things to consider before getting a tattoo. Here’s everything you should bear in mind—along with how custom temporary tattoos can help you to make the right choice.

Meaning and Symbolism

Before settling on a design, think about the meaning behind it. Tattoos can represent anything from personal beliefs to significant life events or memories. Take the time to reflect on what you want your tattoo to symbolise, how it aligns with your views and what you want people to think of you.


The placement of your tattoo is incredibly important. Consider factors such as your pain tolerance, if having a visible tattoo will affect your career prospects, and how the tattoo will look as your body changes over time. For many people, a tattoo somewhere like the upper arm means they can cover or reveal it easily.

Design and Style

Research various styles of tattoo art and find one that resonates with you. Additionally, consider the size, intricacy, and colour palette of the design to ensure that it will look great on your skin. Different skin tones may suit certain shades better, and it’s important to bear in mind that more intricate descriptions can blur over time.

Consult a Professional

Once you’ve settled on a final design or have a good idea of what you want, seek out a reputable tattoo artist who specialises in the style you’re interested in. Look at their portfolio to assess the quality of their work and ensure they have experience with the type of design you want. A consultation with them is a great opportunity to refine your ideas and receive an expert opinion on how feasible your tattoo idea is.

Temporary Tattoos

One often overlooked but highly beneficial step in planning a tattoo is to try out temporary tattoos. Temporary tattoos are a quick and risk-free way to test-drive different designs before committing to permanent ink. You can experiment with various sizes, placements, and styles to see how they look and feel on your skin. This allows you to make any necessary adjustments and ensures that you’ll be happy with your chosen design in the long run.

Consider Long-Term Implications

Last but not least, think about the future. Remember that tattoos are permanent, and while techniques for laser removal have improved, the process can still be costly and time-consuming. Think about how your tattoo may be perceived by others. If you’re having a significant other’s name tattooed on yourself, think about what would happen if you were to part ways and you were looking for a new partner.

A Big Decision

Getting a tattoo is a huge decision, and thinking carefully before you go under the needle will help to ensure that you are really happy with the final design. So why not look into some custom temporary tattoos to try some designs on for size today?

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