Pet Health and the Danger of Too Much Kindness

Whilst busy roads and pesticides may well put animals in danger, one of the biggest dangers our pets face is the danger of simple kindness.

We all love spending time with our animals and lavishing praise and treats on them, but we often forget that they do not have the same awareness of their own health as we do, and whilst we may be able to say no to doing nothing but eating food and cuddling up on the sofa in favour of a little exercise and fruit now and again, our furry friends will not have the same awareness of the need to eat in moderation or indeed the need to exercise.

Whilst the physical effects of a lack of exercise and poor nutrition are well documented, it is worth noting that the psychological effects can be just as significant. By offering animals too many treats and not ensuring that they get regular exercise, owners are not only risking seeing their animals balloon in weight, but they are also risking leaving them with depression and fatigue too.

However, that is not to say that such treats cannot be offered – they merely need to be offered in moderation. Instead of buying generic treats, it is also worth buying such items from a dedicated animal feed website that is focussed on good pet nutrition. Together with a lot of love and – just as importantly – a lot of exercise, the right treats and the right feeding schedule will help you show your pet they are loved, whilst keeping them healthier, and ensuring they live a longer and happier life.

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