Alternatives to Excessive Insulation

Insulation is extremely important for any homeowner, and yet many homes still struggle to remain as warm and energy efficient as they should be, even once all the major weak spots have been targeted. Unfortunately, whilst windows and roofing may well be responsible for a great deal of heat loss, there will be many other areas through which heat can sneak out, and furthermore many homes simply distribute the heat they do create in completely the wrong way.

It is not uncommon for radiators to be the sole distributors of heat within a home. However, not only will radiators leave cold spots, but many will be placed directly below windows, and even those with double glazing will not be able to stop a huge amount of heat energy being lost before it has even started to warm a room.

As such, for homeowners with moderate insulation who do not want to spend thousands renovating their home just to add insulation that may not actually benefit them as much as they hope, finding a way to distribute heat more effectively may be the answer. In turn, avoiding radiators and finding other options will be best; and the cheapest and most appealing for many will be woodburners.

Not only will such stoves help individuals to heat their home at a lower cost, but they will also ensure that heat is distributed more effectively – through the entire house should the right vents be put in at the same time.

Insulation remains important for any home, but spending money on how you heat your home may be far more effective and beneficial than spending thousands on excessive insulation.

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