There are plenty of ways in which cash-strapped consumers can save themselves money. For example, if their stoves break down, they can invest in stove spares rather than splashing out on brand new appliances. Although the UK now has a ‘throw-away’ culture, savvy individuals are making their resources stretch further by continuing to use their household appliances for as long as they possibly can.
Luckily for people who are inclined to be frugal in this way, it’s now easier than ever for them to purchase all the items they need.
Whether they are after wood burning stove parts, multi-fuel spares or anything else, they should be able to find the products online in a matter of moments. They all that’s left for them to do is place their orders and wait for the spares to arrive at their doors.
Any money people save by repairing their stoves rather than replacing them can of course be used for other things. Whether consumers choose to save the cash or spend it is entirely up to them. However, it seems as though many people are preparing to invest in products and services.
According to an Ernst & Young Item Club report, there will be a recovery in consumer confidence in the UK this year and spending among the general public will rise by around 1.2 per cent in 2013, before reaching 2.2 per cent by 2015.
Commenting on this, Peter Spencer, chief economic adviser to the Ernst & Young Item Club, stated that the UK “has essentially returned to relying on the consumer to drive economic growth”.