5 Interesting Facts About Cats

Cats are now even more popular than dogs, in terms of pet ownership. Look online and you’ll find a lot of cats and you could very successfully argue that cats are the superstars of the online world. Why do we love cats so much? One of the reasons is that they’re naturally very humorous and perhaps their inherent snootiness is why we laugh when they’re in such ridiculous situations.

On a serious note, cats, although everywhere at the moment, are living creatures with various needs in terms of their care and nutrition. Cats are very unique animals, with some obvious differences to humans. Here are five quite interesting facts about cats.

Cats are what’s known as obligate carnivores. In practical terms, this means that they simply have to eat meat and rely on the proteins that are found in quality meat. In the wild, big cats such as lions will obviously get all of their nutrition by hunting other large animals. Many domestic cats aren’t great hunters and so they rely on their owners to provide them with an appropriate source of protein, e.g. high quality pet food.

There are all sorts of ways to tell whether your cat is happy or sad, scared or excited. One way is to look at the movement of their tale, however you can also tell a lot through looking into a cat’s eyes. When a cat is excited their pupils will dilate. So, cat’s eyes aren’t only beautiful but they’re also windows to the soul.

Here’s another interesting fact: a cat’s purr doesn’t just sound great but it’s thought to have healing properties too. In fact, pet ownership including owning cats is thought to be very good for mental and physical health. Cats, despite popular belief, can be very loving animals and very affectionate. Remember, each cat has its own unique personality.

Cats are extremely vocal too. Did you know that a cat can make roughly 1000 different sounds, from purrs to meows to everything in between. Cats make noises for all sorts of reasons, for attention, when they’re frightened or on heat. It’s probably fair to say that cats often make noises for the sheer fun of it.

Did you know that before being domestic pets cats where used primarily for the catching of mice? It was soon realised that cats aren’t just cat hunting machines but they have their own unique personalities and so they became cherished pets in their own right. In fact, cats aren’t necessarily good hunters anymore and have often lost the killer instinct completely.It’s important to remember that while cats are amazing creatures they do need a lot of love and attention as they’ve been domesticated and it’s important that owners take things like pet nutrition very seriously.

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