World’s Most Famous Pets

When it comes to the rich and famous they tend to love their pets just as much as the rest of us. Whilst their pampered pooches and carefully brushed cats may be treated to some of the best pet foods in the world, there is no doubt that having a pet is a rewarding experience no matter what you do in life. Here are a few of the most famous pets on the planet.

Bo Obama is quite possibly the most well known dog currently living on the planet. When President Obama was elected into the White House for his first term of office, the US media dedicated hours of coverage to the issue of who the Obama family would choose as their new presidential pet. The search was eventually over when Ted Kennedy gave the Obama’s a Portuguese Water Dog who has become more commonly known as Bo.

Bubbles Jackson was another pet who attracted worldwide attention due to his owner. Michael Jackson adopted the monkey and took him to live in his Californian home. It was reported that Bubbles slept in a crib in Michael Jackson’s bedroom, and even learned how to do the moonwalk!

Eddie the Dog became a star in his own right after appearing as a regular character on the popular US sitcom Frasier. The Jack Russell Terrier was loved all over the world thanks to his quizzical looks and head tilts. He eventually retired by passing the role onto his son, and died in 2006.

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