Spirit Hoods Pro Blue – Buy a Spirit Hood, Help an Animal

SpiritHoods (furry ‘hoods’ inspired by wild animals) have been the surprise fashion hit of the winter. Their quirky designs, like the Spirit Hoods Husky and Red Fox, have quickly become a favourite with the public and celebrities alike. What many people don’t realise is that SpiritHoods also help to conserve some of the world’s most endangered animals.

One of the philosophies behind the Spirit Hoods brand is to create a positive change in the world. In order to do this, they create the ProBlue label. Whenever a SpiritHood sporting the ProBlue label is purchased, the company will donate 10% of the net profits to a charity dedicated to the conservation of that particular animal. Here are some of the ways SpiritHoods are helping animals:


Tigers have been part of the ProBlue program as of January 2012. Due to illegal poaching, it’s now estimated that there are only between 10 and 20 tigers left in Laos. SpiritHoods are supporting a team in the country who are working to conserve the tiger population through law enforcement, education and training.


A serious threat facing pandas in China is the loss of their habitat. Bamboo forests, which provide a staple food source for the giant panda, have largely been destroyed. SpiritHoods are helping by supporting Panda International. They are implementing a large bamboo planting project at the Wolong nature reserve, in preparation for the reintroduction of panda cubs into the wild.SpiritHoods are also involved in the conservation of polar bears, snow leopards and wolves.

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