Keep Your Wood Burning Stove At its Best

A wood burning stove can be a fantastic way to heat your home, being as much a style statement as a functional piece of kit, but if you want it to be with you for the foreseeable future you need to take proper care of it. Regular maintenance is vital, but just how can you keep your wood burning stove at its best? Here are just a few things you need to do:

•    Burn the right materials. You should only ever burn dry, seasoned wood in your stove to make sure hazardous fumes don’t fill your home and prevent chemical build-up from interfering with the stove’s internal components.

•    Clean it regularly. Not only is a clean stove much safer and more fuel-efficient but it’s a lot more durable as well, so regular cleaning is vital in your quest to extend its working life.

•    Implement a maintenance routine. You’ll want to periodically check all components of your stove to make sure they’re still performing as they should be and haven’t become worn, with regular maintenance ensuring everything can stay running smoothly.

•    Replace parts as required. Chances are you’ll need to replace a few parts from time to time with your maintenance routine letting you know when something’s past its best, but with the right wood burning stove spares you can soon bring it back up to standard.

There you have it—a few simple ways to ensure your stove stays performing at its best, and with a bit of TLC and the right wood burning stove parts it’ll be at the heart of the home for years to come.

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