How Drug Rehab Works

Anyone who has been addicted to drugs knows how difficult giving them up can be. The vast majority of people find that they cannot kick their drug habit without specialist support.The person giving up drugs potentially faces economic, health, psychological and emotional challenges. Good drug rehab facilities address all of these problems.

A residential rehab clinic puts a roof over the person’s head and helps them to stay away from former acquaintances who may entice them to start taking drugs again. Counselling gives them emotional and psychological support. They get access to good food, can follow a regular routine and have the opportunity to exercise regularly. They can also learn new ways of relaxing and thinking which can help them to take control of their lives and achieve what they want.

The Importance of Drug Detox

Coping with the physical withdrawal symptoms is usually impossible without medical help. Pain, nausea, disorientation, insomnia and not being able to eat and drink properly can quickly sap a person’s strength and will power.

The healthy diet provided by the rehab clinic begins to repair the damage the drugs have done for a person’s health. This, along with vitamins and minerals, reduces the symptoms of withdrawal and helps the body to begin the repair process. Basic medical support like proper hydration and pain control has a similar effect. This combination of specialist support is virtually impossible to reproduce outside of a rehab facility, which is why many who try to kick their habit without it fail to do so.

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