Dog Dieting Tips

The word dieting has some very human connotations. It is of course a human invention, however it can be applied to pets too. Pet dieting might seem, at first glance, a very exotic concept but the more you think about it the more sensible it is. Many people go on diets for health reasons, perhaps their weight is too high or too low, and dieting is a great way to address this.They say that if you put food in front of a dog it will eat and eat regardless of whether it’s full.

In reality, some dogs might do this and others not so much; however there is a kernel of truth and dogs can, generally speaking, be very ill-disciplined when it comes to eating food. This might seem humorous to begin with but there is a serious point to be made:That point is that dogs are to a very real extent reliant on their owners to eat healthily. If you don’t feed your dog the right foods, or the right amount of food, then this will undoubtedly be reflected in their health, or lack thereof. Remember, dogs aren’t wild animals and their welfare is inextricably tied to the behaviour of their owners.

There are many practical things that you can do to ensure your dog is eating healthier:The most obvious thing you can do is to feed your dog healthy food that has the right nutrients. Not all pet food is created equal and some is better quality than others. These days it’s possible to buy food that is formulated to the specific size, age or breed of pet.

If your dog is over-eating then this can lead to various health problems, stemming from obesity. There are various ways to reduce your pets intake of food in a healthy way. For example, you might limit your dogs access to food by not using self feeders or only leaving food out at certain times of the day.

It’s generally thought that if dogs, and animals of all kinds, are fed at the same times every day they’ll eat healthier and enjoy a happier relationship with their food. Animals tend to benefit from routines and so sticking to a routine means your pet is much more likely to eat appropriate amounts of food.

Some dogs will beg for food. Because dogs are so loving and they give you those puppy dog eyes, it can be very hard to resist the advances of your pooch. However, have you ever thought that your dog is perhaps seeking attention rather than pet food? Often, your dog will respond very positively to some emotional attention, not just a quick, unhealthy snack.

The other side of the coin is exercise. As well as feeding your dog the right foods, ensure that you give your dog a good amount of exercise as, just like humans, this is very important for their health and welfare.

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