Does Your Cat Have Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease?

We all love our pets, which is why it can be quite distressing when you notice that there is something not quite right about the health of your cat. If your cat has started having little accidents inside the house, they may be suffering from Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). This term covers a number of different conditions which affect the lower urinary tract of cats. Such conditions can include things such as bladder stones, urethral plugs, and infections.

You can first spot the symptoms of FLUTD by observing whether your cat is making frequent and straining attempts to urinate more than normal. Pet owners will often find blood in their cat’s urine in such cases, and the cat may start urinating in places other than her litter box. This condition can affect cats of any age or sex, and can prevent normal passing of urine which is an extremely painful process.

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help out your cat in such situations. It is essential to go to the vet and get your cat checked out whenever you think there is something wrong with their health. However, there are also more long term measures which can help improve the health of your cat. Diet and nutrition can play a huge role in balancing the wellbeing of a cat, so it is important to ensure that they are eating the right type of pet foods. If you have any worries, ask your vet for advice.

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