Cat Safety Tips

Your cat might appear to be very independent and capable of looking after itself but in reality it is probably very dependent on you. A good example of this is that whilst many cats go out in hunt they aren’t necessarily good at killing their prey and so would struggle in the wild.

Because cats are domesticated, this means that they are vulnerable. This is especially true when your cat is a kitten. Here are for tips for keeping it safe:
It is a very good idea to microchip your cat. This is a painless procedure whereby a microchip is embedded into your cat and means if it does get lost it can easily be identified and returned to you.

A cat is obviously much more likely to get lost if it’s allowed to roam. All cats are different and some will be more at home indoors than outdoors. If your cat is an outdoor cat make sure you keep an eye on it, ensuring you keep your garden closed off and your cat identified.

Cats themselves are unlikely to present a serious danger, however they can cause scratches. Again these are usually minor, however when you’re introducing cats to children you should be a bit wary, as an angry cat can cause distress to younger children and babies.

It’s very important to spend lots of quality time with your cat, as this means they will generally be happier and less likely to run away and get lost.

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