Caring for Your Leather Sofa

A leather sofa is much more durable than an upholstery one and can will almost always keep its great looks far better over time. However, for this to happen and to ensure and leather sofas ages in a positive way, rather than simply appearing old and tired, you will need to remember to care for it.

Like other materials, leather can dry out and crack if exposed to excessive heat, therefore avoid placing your sofa next to a fireplace or radiator or in direct sunlight.When dusting, people often take a great deal of time on their hard wooden furniture but forget about their sofa. Leather sofas should be vacuumed or wiped with a dry cloth weekly. For accumulated dirt, a slightly damp cloth may be needed, but test this on a hidden area first to make sure the leather does not absorb the moisture. Try to refrain from excessive rubbing or using a very wet cloth as this may well damage the leather. When cleaning stains, harsh soap, cleaning solvents, detergents, or ammonia should also be avoided. If your sofa ever suffers from a wet spill, get a dry cloth on it as quickly as possible and then dab rather than rub in order to absorb (rather than spread) the wet patch.

Leather suites can scratch, so try to keep them free from pets with sharp claws and it is best to avoid using pointed objects in their proximity. However, you may be able to fix a small scratch by gently buffing the surface with a chamois or clean fingers.

Along with this regular upkeep, consider using a good leather condition every 6-12 months to maintain and enhance the appearance of your sofa.

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