The problem of Shedding

Shedding can be the blight of dog ownership. The hair gets everywhere, and if your pets have a particular issue with molting it can be a constant battle to keep on top of things. So, we thought we’d take a quick look at the problem of shedding as well as seeing what can be done about it…

First, the problem itself. Shedding is naturally triggered by seasonal changes, particularly in relation to day length, temperature and the number of hours of natural light. Dogs respond to these changes by growing a thicker winter coat when the temperature drops and shedding it when spring comes around again, but given that a lot of dogs spend much of their time indoors their natural routine can be interfered with which can cause shedding year-round. That means you’re stuck with an influx of hair throughout the year, but there are things that can be done.

Surprisingly, the animal feed you choose can make a huge amount of difference. The skin and hair follicles need to be kept healthy to prevent the hair becoming brittle with a change of diet being a great way to ensure that—you’ll want to go for brands that contain natural ingredients, ideally steering clear of wheat, dairy and beef (as these have been known to make shedding worse), with essential fatty acids needing to be a core component to keep the coat healthy. A proper grooming routine will work wonders too and make sure to keep on top of the de-fleaing schedule to prevent unwanted scratching, and if you bear in mind these simple points you could soon have a home that doesn’t bear the brunt of excessive shedding.

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