Tackling Pet Hair

No matter how much we love our pets, finding your furniture and clothing caked in hair can be frustrating. The constant build up of fluff and fur on clothes and around the house can lead to a great deal of wasted time as one finds they regularly have to pick off the surprisingly stubborn hairs one by one.

Regular brushing is one simple way to minimise the amount your pet malts in the first place. The shedding of hair can sometimes be a sign of poor nutrition so ensuring you feed your pet a good quality food may also help reduce the amount of hair that makes it onto your clothes and furniture.

In terms of dealing with hair that has been shed, a variety of furniture brushes and sticky rollers are available. Stiff brushes are ideal for removing unwanted fluff, especially fine cat hair, from sofas and other upholstery. When purchasing a sticky roller, try to avoid very cheap options, as they are rarely sticky enough to get the job done properly, and for a roller you can rely on to keep you totally hair-free, it is advisable to invest in quality. If you find yourself somewhere without a brush or roller, sticky tape, velcro and, believe it or not balloons, are reasonable make-shift substitutes that provide the necessary friction to remove the hair.

By taking steps to minimise the amount of hair you have to deal with and investing in a specially designed product to quickly and effective remove any hair, you can enjoy quality time with your pet without worrying about the state of your clothing afterwards.

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