Serving Pet Food in Amounts to Keep a Dog at His Ideal Weight

When it comes to feeding a dog, serving food in the right amounts is every bit as important as buying the right pet food.Once a dog is settled on to a food, owners need to keep an eye on his weight as this is the easiest way of telling whether or not their feeding amounts are correct. A dog is at his ideal weight when his last two or three ribs can be felt but not really seen, and when there is a clearly observable waist line when looking down from above.

If a dog is gaining excessive weight, then its owner should speak to a vet and establish a safe way to reduce the amount of food the animal is consuming.  If a dog is too thin on the other hand, the owner should try increasing feeding amounts by 10% or changing to a higher calorie diet.

Although it is not common, there are times when dogs that are fed too much do not put on any significant amounts of weight. In general, these pets develop digestive problems or other health issues instead. Indeed, canines that are fed much more than they need often react by rushing food through their bodies in the form of diarrhoea. Over time, this may even lead to weight loss. Naturally, owners who see evidence of this or have concerns about their animal’s digestion should seek advice from their local vet

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