Planted Walls are Being Established Around the World

The green wall is becoming an increasingly common sight around the globe. Living walls have been worked on in Europe, China and North America for some time. While they are growing in popularity in these areas, they are appearing for the first time in some smaller countries. As this trend continues, experts are discovering new virtues in these versatile planted walls.

An example from the United States

Innovation related to planted walls has become a commonplace in the United States and Canada. However, a fresh project at the University of Washington has highlighted the fact that the full benefits of planted walls have not been fully explored. This exciting project has shown that planted walls could help address some of the challenges associated with increases in urban density. These challenges include familiar issues like air pollution, but they also include problems which have received less attention, such as types of biodiversity loss.

Progress in the Middle East

Until recently, the emirate of Kuwait was not known for its planted walls. However, an example of one has recently been constructed as part of a retail development. By being an unusual feature in that part of the world, the wall has shown how planted walls can play a significant role in commercial branding. It is important to think about how similar walls can play the same kind of role for various organisations in other nations.

As green infrastructure spreads, it evolves too. This in turn leads to increased take-up of the solutions in other regions. Planted walls can deliver significant benefits in a diversity of circumstances as urbanisation continues.

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