New Pet Food Smartphone App

Now there’s a new way of making sure your beloved pet gets all the exercise and nourishment they need, thanks to a freshly launched mobile phone app that tracks dogs’ sleeping, eating and movement through activities such as running and playing.

The Smartphone app comes with a monitor worn on a canine collar to assess activity throughout the day. Changes can be assessed over time, while levels of exercise can be contrasted with canines of a similar breed, age and weight.  The aim is that medical problems can be identified at an earlier stage by highlighting the changes in behaviour that could herald health issues.

The app has been created with input from vets, who, up to now, haven’t always really had all the information they need, particularly in terms of comparison with other breed, weight and age standards. (This information is also being gathered for research purposed.) A device enabled for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is fixed to the dog’s collar. It detects motion, and can tell whether the animal is resting, walking, eating or playing, and can even tell an owner if the dog is waking up suddenly at night.

This app joins a couple of others on the market, including one which is fixed to the animal’s collar and is GPS-enabled to track their whereabouts on a map. Activity levels are recorded, and owners alerted when the pet leaves a particular area. Another app helps pet food to be given remotely.

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