Cats can make great pets. They are relatively independent and they can be affectionate and amusing too. However, before people buy cats from breeders, take them from shelters or acquire them from friends and family, they should make sure they know exactly what to expect.
For example, by reading up on cat behaviour, people can ensure they’re better able to understand and care for the animals.
It’s worth noting that cats that are in pain or frightened can change their behaviour to develop unwanted habits like displaying aggression or spraying indoors. If owners aren’t aware of the connection between distress and these actions, they may mistakenly think the animals are simply being naughty.Another point that prospective owners should bear in mind concerns the fact that cats have a tendency to use objects to scratch, mark their territory, strengthen their muscles and sharpen their claws.
Meanwhile, before they take these animals into their homes, people need to make sure they have created the right environment. The creatures need places where they can hide and they must also have access to water and either litter or the outdoors.New owners can sometimes be surprised by how long their cats sleep for, but this is nothing to worry about. They tend to sleep for many hours each day. However, when they are awake, they need plenty of opportunities to be active.
Also, the age of cats affects how they behave. Youngsters are generally more energetic and playful, while older cats can be more docile. The creatures’ personality and past will also have a bearing on how they act.