Dogs Must Maintain a Healthy Weight

It’s very tempting for owners to overfeed their dogs. Often, people give in to pleading from their pooches because they think this is a good way of strengthening their bond with them. However, there are other ways to show affection to these creatures and if people consistently overfeed their canine companions, they risk endangering their health.

Just like humans, dogs’ wellbeing deteriorates when they are carrying around too much fat. They have less energy, meaning they are less willing to play and exercise, and they suffer a reduced quality of life.Many overweight dogs go on to develop medical conditions linked to their weight, including diabetes, heart disease, urinary tract disease and arthritis.

As well as being difficult for the animals themselves, this can be heartbreaking for owners. In some cases, pets’ lives are cut short because of these medical complications.Bearing facts like this in mind, it’s important for owners to make sure they provide their pets with the right amount of food and choose products that are perfectly tailored to fulfil their nutritional needs. They should also monitor their creatures’ shape and take note if they gain or lose mass.

By making sure their dogs get plenty of exercise and don’t regularly exceed the recommended quantity of food, individuals should be able to effectively control their animals’ size. This is a win win situation as it means the creatures can get to benefit from significantly lengthier and happier lives, while owners will get to enjoy them for longer.

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